Preach about your latest AI/ML project
And Barrel AI monkeys are back : -)
As our first event after/during this unfortunate Covid-19 crises we are arranging an AI Speakers Corner gathering and a summer mingle.
We will setup a Speakers Corner stage in the lovely office space of our sponsor company NordAxon, in The Point Hyllie building. For this event we are also collaborating with Get AI, regional AI Center of Excellence, who will be live streaming our event and supports our community.
Attending event members will have an opportunity to go on the stage and during 10-15min in the free format present their latest AI/ML project. It can be a ML project you just finished at work or have in progress, a model your are building on your spare time, a Kaggle competation you attended/attending or why not a vision about an AI/ML project you would like to start with. No great preparations are needed but the passion you have for the AI/ML and some story telling about it.
There will be white board and projectors if needed.
We have two regular members which already signed-up to demo their very existing projects and during this 2-2.5h gathering we should be able to cover 5-7 demos.
To make it more cozy and summerish there will be some summer snacks and maybe even some bubbles and wine. After the session we will go down to the Quality hotel Bar X & Lounge and continue with an afterwork.
Here is the agenda:
17.15 - 18.15 Speakers corner demos part 1
18.15 - 18.30 Small break
18.30 - 19.30 Speakers corner demos part 2
19.30 - 21.00 Afterwork at Quality hotel Bar X & Lounge (in the same building)
Please try to be responsible with your signing up since we plan to buy some snacks and wine. We start with the Speaker Corner demos at 5.15 sharp so be in time.
In Collaboration With Get AI