Kaggleton, Sound recognition
And the teams are of! On the 26 of April Barrel AI and NordAxon launched their own competition with five teams competing. The selected competition is https://www.kaggle.com/c/freesound-audio-tagging-2019 and we run our own leaderboard where you can follow the progress of our teams.
The aim is to teach a computer to distinguish between 81 different sounds from a dataset with about 5000 samples. Over the course of a series of meetups we will work on our submissions together and exchange ideas. But in the end each team will make their own submission and appart from the Kaggle reward, have the chance to win our own local competition with a grand prize of 5000 SEK provided by our sponsor, NordAxon.
📅 Timeline (preliminary)
* (26 April, 17.30–19.30) Introduction — introduction to the competition, rules, deciding on dates for the remaining meetups, starting work on our submissions
* (9 May, 17.30–19.30) Meetup — working on our submissions
* (16 May, 17.30–19.30) Meetup — working on our submissions.
* (19 June, 17.00–19.00) Final meeting (presentation of the winners with live music, food, and drink)
Sponsored by Nordaxon (http://www.nordaxon.com)
- kaggle, competition